Hi girls! This is my blog, a blog only for girls! Here, you can find anything you want: Fashion, Beauty, Reviews, DIY'S, Life Hacks, Stories...This blog is also about friends, relationships, boys and more!!! So, if you are visiting my blog right now, don't forget to be a member and comment my posts! Always remember: Be Yourself! Be one of us!!! ;)
Ακόμα κι αν ο
φίλος που έχεις να κάνεις είναι «σκληρό καρύδι» οφείλεις να του φέρεσαι με
σεβασμό. Θα δεις που από ‘‘σοβαρός’’ που είναι, χάρη στη συμπεριφορά σου μπορεί
να αλλάξει ριζικά!
ΕΙΛΙΚΡΙΝΕΙΑ ΠΑΝΩ ΑΠ’ΟΛΑ: Η ειλικρίνεια είναι από τα πιο
σημαντικά πράγματα στη φιλία. Για να
αποφύγεις συγκρούσεις, προσπάθησε να είσαι ειλικρινής τόσο με τους φίλους σου,
όσο και με την οικογένεια σου.
Ανάμεσα σε
φίλους, εκτός από σεβασμό και ειλικρίνεια, πρέπει να υπάρχει και ανεξαρτησία.
Δεν είσαι αναγκασμένη να συμφωνείς στα πάντα με την όποια φίλη σου! Επίσης,
οφείλεις να την ακούς όταν μιλάει, όπως χρειάζεται να κάνει κι εκείνη το ίδιο.
παίρνουμε το αγόρι ή ακόμα και τις υπόλοιπες φίλες της! ( Που κατά τη
γνώμη μου μου δεν γίνεται να "πάρεις" τους φίλους κάποιου ούτε τη σχέση
του, ο άλλος θα αποφασίσεις με ποιον θα κάνει παρέα, εσύ δεν παίρνεις
τίποτα από κανέναν, βασικά μπορείς να παρασύρεις, το θεωρώ πολύ ανώριμο,
πάντως ο,τι και να 'ναι ) .
•Δεν την
κοροϊδεύουμε πίσω από την πλάτη της, ούτε και την ταπεινώνουμε.
αυτό το άρθρο να σας φάνηκε χρήσιμο! Να θυμάστε ότι οι φίλοι είναι η
οικογένεια που διαλέγουμε! Καλή συνέχεια σε όλους μας!
- Αν χρειοάζεστε οποιαδήποτε συμβουλή σε κάποιο θέμα,
μη διστάσετε να μου στείλετε μήνυμα ( e- mail, πλατφόρμα του blog ) !
Αφήστε σχόλιο και μία αντίδραση, με ενημερώνει ότι υπάρχει κόσμος που
ενδιαφέρεται για το blog και για τις αναρτήσεις! -
Hello world! I hope you're great. I decided to write this article in English! Having read the title, I think you got a general idea of what the artcile is about! So, free country, enjoy!
Let's begin from the most important question.
If I were an animal, which animal would I be?
A Punther. They are dynamic, impressive and intelligent.
What is my favourite colour?
My favourite colour is blue.
While looking for a partner, rank the following in importance: appearance, intelligence, humor, money, loyalty.
Loyalty, intelligence, humor, appearance, I am not even talking about money.
Do you believe in second chances and that people can change?
Yes, we should give second chances if we want to and people can change if they want to concerning many things, but if you do not want to spend time with a specific person that has hurt you before for example, then I believe you should forgive them but without necessarily hanging out with them.
What book influenced you the most?
The book that has influe
nced me the most is " Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life " beacuase it is a very beautful book, with strong messages and it is very funny and I felt kinda close to the main hero.
" Wonder " though is also a nice book that has powerful messages such as being kind because you really feel that way and not beacause you feel you "have to". It includes 3 books and the second one has 3 stories all connected to each other.
Do you think that humans are doing more harm than good to the planet?
I believe that I am not the one to judge that, but we do some good things, for example respecting the environment and believing that we are all equal, but on the other hand we would not need to do campaigns to emphasize these things if people already did them. All in all, people have done things they should not be proud of and although some people are trying to vanish the crluety the world faces, there are still inequalities concerning a lot of things.
Would you rather be called insecure or arrogant?
Nothing, but just because I am supposed to answear the question I would say arrogant. I am neither inscerure nor arrogant. I've been called both of these things, but mostly arrogant. And I am not saying arrogant because of that, but because I think that arrogant is closer to me that insecure. Although some people say that arrogant people are sometimes insecure.
Which member of your family do you feel the closest with and why?
I am close to everyone in my family concerning my parents and my grandmothers and I am also quite close to some of my oncles, aunts and cousins, but apart from that I do not have strong relationships with other members in my family. I am a bit closer to one of my cousins kinda though.
What three adjectives would describe you?
Funny, Intelligent and Creative.
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you choose?
In America, I do not know where yet and with my future family.
What is your secret hobby that others would consider weird?
I don't think that its is werid or that other people would find it weird but I like acting and writing songs and screenplays.
What is your favorite room in your house and why?
My bedroom, because it is nice, it has a window - door and it is mine.
When you were a kid, what did you say you wanted to be when you grew up?
I've always deeply wanted to become an actress and fight for our rights, but I also rememver saying other things such as teacher or hairdresser or dancer.
What do you feel is the right age for people to get married?
I don't want to marry but I want to be with someone and have kids. Also, everyone thinks of a different age when it comes to the " right " age for marriage and also I don't believe there is the
"right " age.
Which TV show character do you dislike while everyone seems to like it?
I don't like a lot of series, shows and characters but I am going to talk about a series I generally like and that is " Modern Family " . The character is Manny. I do not like him because I find him annoying.
What is the definition of a perfect life?
I would not like to use the word perfect, but for the life I want to live now I believe that love is the most important thing and being with the people I love and being healthy of course and doing what I love.
What do you think are the two things that prevent people from realizing their dreams?
Fear and laziness to a great extent.
Would you lay down your life for someone?
Yes, for someone I really love.
Do you believe that each of us has a soulmate?
I don't know and think that there are soulmates but I believe that there is someone for everyone. Or, at least, I hope. There is always a person that we love the most and we want to be surrounded by.
Do you listen to other people's advice or do you prefer figuring it out yourself?
I usually figure it out myself. There are times though I would like some guidance or help.
Would you wait for the sun to rise or for it to set?
I would not usually wait for neither of them, but I would say I would wait for the sunrise.
Do you prefer someone cheering you up or being left alone when you're sad?
Yes, but only when it comes by a person I really love.
Do you get excited or scared when meeting new people?
I never get scared when ti comes to meeting someone. I am not always excited though, too. I am sometimes mostly curious.
That was the article! Hope you liked it and you find it interesting! Don't forget to write a comment and write your ideas and submit a reaction! Byeeee!
Okay, we now that Christmas is a period full of songs and music and joy! But there are many more songs than just " All I want for Christmas is you! " . Here's the playlist concerning Christmas that will awaken the child in you ! Enjoy!
White Christmas (1942)
I'll Be Home For Christmas (1943)
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! (1948)
Blue Christmas (1957)
It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year (1963)
A Holly Jolly Christmas (1965)
This holiday pop song by Burl Ives is the leading track on his Christmas album. The song was actually written by Johnny Marks, who, despite being Jewish, wrote tons of other popular Christmas songs.
Feliz Navidad (1970)
Rican singer José Feliciano's upbeat song has easy-to-remember lyrics
in both Spanish and English, making it the best bilingual Christmas
Last Christmas (1984)
duo WHAM!, composed of George Michael and Andrew Ridgeley, released
this song in 1984, but it didn't hit the top of the charts until 2017
(after Michael's death), despite inspiring many covers versions in the ensuing years.
Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town (1985)
give this Bruce Springsteen song a listen, and you'll instantly realize
why he's called "The Boss." It's the most energetic performance of this
classic holiday song out there.
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (1993)
Harry Connick, Jr.'s take on this song about everyone's favorite reindeer is so upbeat — he even greets the kids (who you hear singing, too) at the beginning of the track.
12 Days of Christmas
Silent Night
This classic Christmas carol has also been sung by tons of artists, from Bing Crosby to Justin Bieber, but Josh Groban's cover is truly magical.
It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas
Full disclosure, just about any Christmas song by Michael Bublé could make this list because of his soothing voice.
The Little Drummer Boy
Baby, it's cold outside.
That is one of my favourite ( not just Christmas ) songs!
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Γεια και πάλι ή μήπως να πω καλύτερα: Ho, Ho, HO! Έλπίζω να μην έχετε αρπάξει κανένα κρύωμα, εγώ έχω λίγο το λαιμό μου και γενικότερα όλα καλά : D ! Στη σημερινή ανάρτηση θα σας παρουσιάσω τις καλύτερες ιδέες για δώρα για να κάνετε στους ανθρώπους που είναι κοινωνικά αποκομμένοι ( από τον κόσμο και λοιπά ) και που ( μόνο ) εκείνοι θα καταλάβουν! Αν και έχει περάσει η μέρα των Χριστουγέννων, υπάρχει η Πρωτοχρονιά όπου προσωπικά προτιμώ να ανταλλάζω δώρα! Μην ξεχάσετε να κάνετε μια εγγραφή στο blog και να μου πείτε τη γνώμη σας στα σχόλια ή στο e-mail μου! Και ... ξεκινάμε!
A hoodie pillow to safely hide from social interactions whether napping or not.
Πολύ όμορφο και ζεστό!
A dramatic pen holder, because every "tell me about your weekend!" is like a stab to the heart.
A pack of coasters with nose holes to *cover up* your real expression at a party, which is horror.
Αστείο ε...
A majestic T-shirt that'll serve as either a conversation starter or repellent, depends on the crowd I guess.
Αυτό μου άρεσε πολύ.
An inspiring journal so you can unleash your strangest self without alarming your coworkers.
A cap ( beanie )
An icebreaker patch for when you're just trying to enter a conversation.
A tongue brush to take staying at home with your cat to a whole new level — there's really no turning back now.
An uncomfortable calendar to make you feel better about your own family — or maybe you have even worse pictures, I don't know.
A shy dinosaur for anyone whose hope to make a friend will never go extinct.
A self-sabotaging game that'll have parents everywhere wondering where they went wrong — but that was going on before the game.
Πηγή: Buzzfeed
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